The latest content on all matters regarding race


The latest content on all matters regarding race

The race matters blog

The latest content on all matters concerning race

Welcome to our blog, Race Matters, where you can read the latest content on all matters to do with race.

Race Matters aims to bring new perspectives to matters of racial (in)justice, including topics which people may not associate with race. We encourage blogs that shed new light on an issue and are backed up by evidence. We value personal stories that illustrate impact and give perspective.

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More than a viral story: the people's struggle for the Suez Canal

What is the history of the Suez Canal? After it was blocked last month, it became a viral news story but Mohja Amer noticed a lack of acknowledgement of the canal's colonial history. This article goes into depth exploring just that.

Mohja Amer
April 13, 2021
6 minutes


How the War of Independence Forged a Culture of Resistance among British Bangladeshis

March 26th 2021 marks 50 years since the start of Bangladesh’s independence struggle, which rapidly turned into a genocide in which around 3 million people were killed. This war is rarely spoken of today and remains unacknowledged and forgotten by the international community. Dr Halima Begum, CEO of the Runnymede Trust, was born in rural Sylhet and raised in London’s East End, she tells us what today signifies for her and her family.

Halima Begum
March 26, 2021
7 minutes


A struggle of memory: the history of the Bengali squatters movement

This month marks 45 years since the height of the Bengali squatters movement – yet accounts of Bengali housing activism have been overlooked and erased in the mainstream ever since. Today, PhD research student Shabna Begum remembers.

Shabna Begum
March 19, 2021
5 minutes


Decolonising history is not 'censorship' - in fact it is the opposite

A politician recently suggested that efforts to 'decolonise the curriculum' are a form of censorship. Considering the reality of censorship throughout British history, journalist Taj Ali explains why these statements are wrong.

Taj Ali
March 18, 2021
5 minutes

Criminal Justice

March 13th Clapham Bandstand: an Anonymous Account

On Saturday 13th March 2021, a vigil was held in Clapham Common following the death of Sarah Everard. Unfortunately, scenes turned violent. An anonymous attendee gives us their eyewitness account.

Rohini Kahrs
March 16, 2021
2 minutes


Pontins and 'No Irish Need Apply': the prejudice that refuses to die

Professor Louise Ryan and Professor Don MacRaild, of the Centre for Global Diversities and Inequalities at London Metropolitan University, explain how Pontins institutional discrimination links to Britain's long history of anti-Irish and anti-Traveller discrimination.

Louise Ryan and Don MacRaild
December 3, 2021
4 minutes


The government is using its 'diverse' cabinet to deflect from racial inequality

The government has routinely attacked 'identity politics' – yet Boris Johnson's diverse cabinet is often held up as a beacon of representation. Journalist and former Ethnic Minorities Officer of Warwick Students' Union Taj Ali points out this contradiction and argues that Johnson's government must prioritise economics over optics.

Taj Ali
January 29, 2021
5 minutes


The government must not use pseudo-science to dismiss Covid's impact on BME communities

The government has suggested, on more than one occasion, that different ethnic groups are naturally more susceptible to COVID-19. Runnymede's research analyst Adam Almeida explains why theories about vitamin D deflect from the real issue: structural inequality.

Adam Almeida
January 25, 2021
4 minutes


The weaponisation of the 'left-behind white working class'

The phrase 'left-behind white working class' is now a regular staple in government rhetoric around equality. But how accurate is the concept? Nick Treloar, dissects the use of the term, and argues that it is weaponised by the government. 

Nick Treloar
January 14, 2021
4 minutes


Students have called out institutional racism for decades. A new report confirms our experiences

University students have a long history of organising against racism on campus – but anti-racist action from the top-down has been slow. In light of a new report on racial harassment in higher education, journalist and former student representative Taj Ali lays out the state of things.

Taj Ali
May 1, 2021
4 minutes


The true impact of the Jamaica 50 deportations

After the media flurry, Zita Holbourne, national chair of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC), documents the harrowing details of the Jamaica deportations and explains why the fight must continue.

Zita Holbourne
December 18, 2020
6 minutes


The Stansted 15 appeal: a symbol of our right to protest in the UK

Back in 2017, a group of 15 activists made headlines when they halted a charter flight that would deport 60 people from the UK. After some were given suspended jail sentences, and others, community orders, the group are now appealing their convictions. Raoul Walawalker, feature writer at the Immigration Advice Service platform ImmiNews, explains the importance of their case and subsequent appeal.

Raoul Walawalker
March 12, 2020
5 minutes


Black history legacies: Claudia Jones

Micha Frazer-Carroll
October 30, 2020
6 minutes


The fight isn't over for Elephant and Castle's Latin American community

Read all about London's Latin American communities fight to keep their communities un-gentrified and where the elephant and castle shopping centre fits into it.

Santiago Peluffo, Patria Roman-Velazquez and Natalia Perez
October 22, 2020
5 minutes


Ethnic inequalities in Covid-19 are playing out again - how can we stop them?

New research by The Runnymede Trust and IPPR and co-authored by Dr Parth Patel (IPPR) and Alba Kapoor and Nick Treloar, Runnymede Trust's Policy Officer and Research Analyst respectively, has found that Covid is once again operating along racial lines.

Nick Treloar
October 19, 2020


Black History legacies: Stuart Hall

This Black History Month, the Race Matters blog is spotlighting people and movements that have played important roles in black British history, especially those whose contributions are often overlooked. This week, Acting Online Editor Micha Frazer-Carroll looks at the work of an academic, activist and cultural pioneer, Stuart Hall.

Micha Frazer-Carroll
September 10, 2020
6 minutes


Why I'm taking legal action against the government's new school guidelines

The government recently introduced new guidelines for the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education – stating schools must not use materials from anti-capitalist groups, promote "victim narratives" or make certain accusations against state institutions. Marsha Garratt, an anti-racist researcher, educator and lecturer, explains why the Coalition of Anti-Racist Educators has launched legal action against the government to challenge the guidance.

Marsha Garratt
May 10, 2020
4 minutes


So you've read a lot of books on anti-racism - now what?

Following Black Lives Matter, there's been a surge in interest in anti-racist literature – but what do you do once you've done all the reading? Banseka Kayembe, founder of Naked Politics, offers some pointers for allies in the struggle against racism.

Banseka Kayembe
September 18, 2020
6 minutes


Beyond Banglatown: the rich history of Brick Lanes curry restaurants

A new research project by Runnymede, in conjunction with the University of Manchester, sheds light on the rich history of Brick Lane's curry restaurants. Here, research associate Sundeep Lidher explains why the team have turned their findings into an educational resource that is accessible to all.

Sundeep Lidher
July 31, 2020
6 minutes


Speaking up: Anti-East Asian racism during Covid-19

A year of unprecedented events has led to more discussion about the structural racism experienced by different groups in the UK than we've had in a generation. Here, Claire Lee, a Reframer on the Reframing Race programme, explores her own experience of anti-East Asian racism, and considers where this fits in the context of the wider landscape of Black Lives Matter and widespread racial injustice.

Claire Lee
July 27, 2020
5 minutes


There Then, Here Now: BME people & the NHS

Runnymede hosted a webinar on Windrush Day (22nd June) entitled There Then, Here Now: BME people and the NHS. Here, Runnymede’s Research and Policy Assistant Nick Treloar, summarises some highlights from the hour-long discussion.

Nick Treloar
July 14, 2020
3 minutes


The importance of heritage: black adopters needed

Children need a safe and loving home. When biological families are unable to provide it, looked-after children turn to the state to find one for them. Here, Grace Gomez of Parents and Children Together (PACT) explains the race factor that means black children, particularly, face greater barriers than others.

Grace Gomez
June 22, 2020
4 minutes


The case for a public inquiry into Covid-19 deaths

As pressure mounts on the government to provide not just evidence of the problem - but a plan for solutions, criminology doctoral student Carson Cole Arthur of Birkbeck University makes the case for a public inquiry into Covid-19.

Carson Cole Arthur
December 6, 2020
8 minutes


7 Actions to Change the History Curriculum

Sundeep Lidher (historian & Runnymede's co-lead on Our Migration Story) and Hannah Elias (historian & Lecturer in Black British History at Goldsmiths) outline seven simple things you can do to change the history curriculum to include histories of migration, Black British experience and colonialism.

Sundeep Lidher
October 6, 2020
5 minutes


Sitting in Limbo: Windrush drama interview

Ahead of its premiere on the BBC on Monday, Runnymede's Lee Pinkerton interviews the writer of Sitting In Limbo, a drama showing the suffering at the heart of the Windrush scandal.

Lee Pinkerton
May 6, 2020
4 minutes


The race factor in access to green space

As we edge closer to the end of the lockdown conditions, one thing this unprecedented set of rules has taught us is the value of green space. Here, Beth Collier, a Nature Allied Psychotherapist and Director of Wild in the City outlines why green spaces and time in natural settings have always been vital to our mental and physical health, and how having less access to them has a significant impact on black and minority ethnic (BME) people in the UK.

Beth Collier
August 5, 2020
8 minutes


Follow-up letter: Predicted grades & BME students

Following up on a previous open letter raising concerns about disadvantaged social and ethnic groups and the impact of predicted grades, Runnymede and more than a dozen other signatories (see full list below) sent this letter to the Education Minister today (29 April 2020).

Zubaida Haque
April 29, 2020
4 minutes


The Colour of Money: race and economic inequality

Black and minority ethnic (BME) people in Britain face extensive and persistent economic inequality, finds Runnymede’s latest report The Colour of Money: How racial inequalities obstruct a fair and resilient economy. Runnymede Director and report author Dr Omar Khan outlines some of the findings, which entirely fit the current COVID-29 pandemic context.

Omar Khan
April 26, 2020
3 minutes


State of the Nation: New comprehensive analysis on race in Britain

Just as the coronavirus pandemic shines a light on existing inequalities, Runnymede releases important deep analysis on race and racism in the UK. Here, Dr Omar Khan, Runnymede Director and co-author of the freely available book, outlines what you can expect to find in it.

Omar Khan
September 4, 2020
4 minutes


Windrush: 10 urgent recommendations

Runnymede and 35 race equality, migrant rights and human rights organisations, and Windrush campaigners, wrote to the Home Secretary, Priti Patel MP, outlining ten key recommendations to prioritise following the publication of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review in March 2020.

Rahul Verma
August 4, 2020
5 minutes


Open Letter: Predicted grades & BME students

Runnymede and others wrote to the Education Secretary amid concerns that certain groups, including BME students, may lose out due to existing racial disparities when predicted grades are accepted in place of exam results. See the full letter and list of signatories below; the open letter first appeared in the Times Education Supplement (TES) online.

Zubaida Haque
May 4, 2020
4 minutes


Coronavirus will increase race inequalities

All any of us can think about at the moment is the coronavirus pandemic and how it will affect us, our families, wider communities and society as we know it. Here, our Deputy Director Dr Zubaida Haque looks at existing societal inequalities and how the impact of COVID-19 will affect black and minority ethnic communities given this context. 

Zubaida Haque
March 26, 2020
5 minutes

Racism and the rise of populist movements

The link between racist narratives and the rhetoric of populist movements is often clear to the naked eye. But why is this connection so well established? As the rise of populism has dynamically changed the political landscape of so many countries, Professor of Sociology Ali Rattansi explores why the same old racist and xenophobic tropes are repeated the world over.

Ali Rattansi
March 23, 2020
5 minutes


Hostile environment: Forced deportations resumed

As the government resumes its widely criticised programme of forced deportation by charter flights, Zita Holbourne, a human rights campaigner and National Chair of BARAC UK, makes the link between this inhumane practice and the Windrush injustice. 

Zita Holbourne
June 2, 2020
5 minutes


Gypsies and Travellers: Worst changes for a decade

As the new government seeks to honour the Conservative election pledge to 'tackle unauthorised Traveller camps' Emma Nuttall of Friends, Families and Travellers urges you to fill in this consultation, which may otherwise result in some of the worst changes the community has seen for a decade.

Emma Nuttall
December 19, 2019
3 minutes


Race Equality in the 2019 General Election Manifestos

Ahead of the General Election on December 12, 2019, Runnymede's Nick Treloar lays out the pledges relating to race equality and those directly impacting black and minority ethnic (BME) communities made in the major national parties' manifestos.

Nick Treloar
May 12, 2019
5 minutes


Remembering ALL our war heroes

In this month of remembrance, Amber Khan recalls tales of her late grandfather, Noor Alam, who, although he did not have a white face and never fought in Europe, was typical of a class of soldier that helped Britain win the defining wars of the 20th century.

Amber Khan
December 11, 2019
3 minutes


Mayflower turns 400: Sanitising History?

Ahead of Thanksgiving this year, Danny Reilly of the Mayflower Mavericks writes a timely reminder why teaching history must be more than a story we accept, but a reflection of the reality.

Danny Reilly
November 15, 2019
4 minutes


3 things to unite our communities

As part of Runnymede and CLASS think tank's #ReclaimTheAgenda campaign, 20 year-old Lisa Eigbadon, from RECLAIM, a leadership organisation supporting working class young people in Manchester, shares her thoughts on how to practically unite communities.

October 31, 2019
4 minutes

Criminal Justice

Event report: Reporting Racism

Following an event in parliament last week (Thursday 24 October 2019) called by Shadow Women and Equalities Secretary Dawn Butler MP, Runnymede Research and Policy Assistant Nick Treloar has written this record of the rich discussion on the day.

Nick Treloar
October 29, 2019
5 minutes


Black British Coal Miners: Significance and Sacrifice

Historian and exhibition creator Norma Gregory's work shines a light on the unrecognised contributions, experiences and histories of Black British coal miners. As part of Runnymede and CLASS thinktank's #ReclaimTheAgenda campaign, Norma writes about the importance of documenting and recognising hundreds of African Caribbean men who are largely ignored by mainstream social history.

October 25, 2019
5 minutes


Race & Class: It's time to #ReclaimTheAgenda

This week the Runnymede Trust and the Centre for Labour and Social Studies are running #ReclaimTheAgenda, a social media campaign focusing on overcoming ‘divide and rule’ rhetoric. Such language has long fuelled prejudice and oppression of migrant and black and minority ethnic (BME) people while distracting us from addressing the issues affecting UK’s diverse working class. Brexit is an obvious example. Here Runnymede's Research Analyst Laurie Mompelat introduces the campaign.

Laurie Mompelat
October 25, 2019
5 minutes


Helen Hayes MP: 'Black history is central to the making of Britain'

On October 23, 2019 Runnymede and Helen Hayes MP are organising a photo call in parliament with MPs showing their support for Black history to be taught in schools all year round and not just during Black History Month. Here, Helen Hayes explains why she believes teaching Black history, migration and Empire in schools is important.

October 22, 2019
4 minutes


Boris Johnson's Brexit Deal harms ethnic minorities

Zubaida Haque
October 22, 2019


What does it mean to be British?

Dr Zubaida Haque explores what it means to be British following Shamima Begum being stripped of citizenship.

Zubaida Haque
October 15, 2019
8 minutes


Liberté Égalité Fraternité: But not for Muslim Women

As the French state and citizens' targeting of Muslim women shows little signs of decline, our (French) Research and Policy Assistant Nick Treloar examines the thinking behind linking this form of islamophobia to a cornerstone of French democracy - 'laïcité' (secularism).

Nick Treloar
October 15, 2019
4 minutes


'No deal' Brexit is bad news for UK's 8m BME people

As Prime Minister Boris Johnson continues to brandish the unwelcome prospect of an exit from the European Union with no agreed relationship to take its place, Runnymede Deputy Director Dr Zubaida Haque shifts the focus to black and ethnic minority communities in the UK. The 8 million BME Brits might have been at the sharp end of an increase in racist violence and abuse following the Brexit vote, but their collective voices are yet to be heard.

Zubaida Haque
May 9, 2019
5 minutes


Action, not theory: Diversity in creative industries

Professor Sarita Malik, Project Lead on the Creative Interruptions project (with which Runnymede has collaborated) suggests that a new, radical system is needed to tackle the gap between diversity in policy and diversity in practice in the cultural and creative industries.

Sarita Malik
August 20, 2019
4 minutes


Please don't politicise the police: Open letter to Priti Patel

More than 20 signatories representing race equality organisations have sent an open letter to Home Secretary Priti Patel.

August 27, 2019
3 minutes

Open Letter to Boris: Maintain Race Disparity Unit

Rahul Verma
July 22, 2019

One Nation Boris? Not for black or Asian Londoners

Omar Khan
July 21, 2019


Don't take the bait: public discourse and racism

Omar Khan
July 18, 2019


False fears of 'white flight' in London and elsewhere

A look into the myth of white British people taking 'flight' from areas where ethnic minorities are no longer the minority.

Omar Khan
January 7, 2019
9 minutes


Theresa May failed to douse 'burning injustice' of race inequality

A veiw of Theresa May's performance through the lense of race inequality.

Kimberly McIntosh
April 6, 2019
4 minutes

Open Letter on Islamophobia

May 17, 2019

Our Web Resource Wins Guardian University Award

Sundeep Lidher
April 15, 2019

Research subjects or co-creators? Making public outreach count

Creative Interruptions
August 4, 2019

Connecting the dots: structural racism in 2019

Laurie Mompelat
March 21, 2019

Three steps to make higher education more inclusive

Furaha Asani
December 3, 2019

International Women's Day 2019: What did you do?

September 3, 2019

Home Office found 'Guilty' after mock trial

Laurie Mompelat
February 16, 2019

Arts and Resistance in a Hostile World

July 2, 2019

An unlikely source of empowerment for black students?

Warren Stanislaus
October 12, 2018

Racism and integration in the workplace

Rakib Ehsan
November 20, 2018

The history of slavery is a local - as well as a global - issue

November 13, 2018

Reflections on Mexico 1968

Omar Khan
October 16, 2018

Runnymede's Director on Government's race equality announcement

Omar Khan
November 10, 2018

50 years on: the Race Relations Act and the Runnymede Trust

Omar Khan
March 10, 2018

Faith to Faithless: The hidden suffering of apostates in the UK

Teddy Prout
September 24, 2018

The Africa I expected vs. the Africa I saw

Edward Ademolu
September 17, 2018

A creative clap back to racism in the arts

Laurie Mompelat
October 9, 2018

Why we need to talk about slavery

Kimberly McIntosh
August 27, 2018

Windrush is Us

Lester Holloway
March 7, 2018

Home Office failing LGBTQI asylum seekers

July 31, 2018

Six steps to improve race equality in our mental health services

Lester Holloway
July 24, 2018

Supporting ambition creativity and leadership in BME communities

June 22, 2018

100 years after the first women got the vote, the fight for true equality goes on

Lester Holloway
June 14, 2018

Three things wrong with Cambridge University's statement on diversity

Omar Khan
June 13, 2018

2011 Runnymede comments on 'gangs' and the UK riots

Omar Khan
September 5, 2018

Windrush Speech by His Excellency Guy Hewitt Barbados High Commissioner

March 5, 2018

Intending not to discriminate isn't enough

Lester Holloway
April 23, 2018

Decision-makers must tackle their isolation from black and migrant communities

Omar Khan
April 24, 2018

Listening to the Windrush generation about our past

Lester Holloway
April 20, 2018

British Citizenship and the Windrush generation

Lester Holloway
April 20, 2018

Government under pressure over treatment of Windrush kids

April 16, 2018

Integration is not a one way process

March 16, 2018

International Women's Day - how far have we come?

Lester Holloway
August 3, 2018

Bridging the BME pension-gap with lessons from home

April 3, 2018

Cheddar Man man exposes 19th Century ideas of race in modern Britain

August 2, 2018

Chancellor must ensure his budgets don't discriminate

January 24, 2018

Understanding Muslim students

Lester Holloway
October 1, 2018

A Sivanandan: In Memoriam

Lester Holloway
May 1, 2018

Under the Radar: ethnic minority women in the labour market

Anam Bashir
May 1, 2018

Revisiting A.Sivanandan

Lester Holloway
May 1, 2018

Artificial intelligence and racial bias: Can robots be racist?

Lester Holloway
December 18, 2017

Loneliness and older people from BME groups

December 15, 2017

Book review: 'The double-bind that Muslim women find themselves in'

Samayya Afzal
July 12, 2017

Generation Revolution: Young black London activists in all their complexity

November 27, 2017

Universal Credit is failing women and ethnic minorities

November 20, 2017

Bringing visibility to black British women

Jane Tanner
June 11, 2017
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